Welcome to Smart Post Atlanta
The premier destination for post production services in Atlanta.
Located in the heart of Georgia.
Providing Creative Post Production Services
ADR and Voiceover
Smart Post Atlanta regularly accommodates talent and group in our spacious ADR studio to record dialogue, group, character vocals, or voiceover. Experience remote networking tools that allow the director, talent, producers, and supervisors to collaborate from separate locations while working together seamlessly. Utilizing the latest in technological advancements, we're able to bridge multiple tools like Source Connect with Zoom conferences or various other configurations requested. We also offer remote recording solutions including production office setups, recording on-set or at a preferred location and more.

Recent Titles Include

Smart Post Atlanta is the unique combination of
creativity, technical quality, and competitive pricing.
Our Atlanta Team.
Clients love the way our award winning teams partner with them on several of the most important decisions they'll make with their project.
The Facility
Centrally located in the heart of Georgia, Smart Post Atlanta has been the go-to audio post facility in Atlanta for over 30 years.

The Space Between Us
Explore artwork that captures the subtle connections and meaningful gaps that define the human experience.
The go-to audio post facility in Atlanta for over 30 years, Smart Post Atlanta is home to the two largest ADR stages in the Southeast. We can connect via Source Connect, Skype, Zoom, and phone patch. In addition, we offer remote ADR services and have a total of five on-set rooms using Source Connect and collaborative conferencing solutions.
6 W Druid Hills Dr NE
Atlanta, GA 30329